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"Have you seen this video?!” It’s such a common phrase that many of us hear it every day. We watch things that make us smile with laughter, cringe with discomfort, or cry for something emotionally moving. Like the Olympics – watching the close finish of an amazing race creates an experience that words just cannot replicate.
Our brains are wired for visual messaging and communication. You’ve heard the expression, “A picture is worth 1,000 words”. Expanding that concept further, researchers have estimated that “a video is worth 1,800,000 words”. Pictures are great, but video is better for conveying information, establishing an emotional connection, and creating an experience that is far more memorable than any other type of messaging.
AutoNetTV engaged a research company to survey over 1,000 vehicle owners across the United States. One of the questions we asked was, “What actions can be taken by a Technician or Service Advisor employee to improve your trust in their recommendations? Please select all that apply.” Below are the results:

You can see that the top two answers have the same theme – communicate more effectively. Vehicle owners said they want more detailed information of services and parts provided, and that they want that communication to be provided more openly and clearly. But when you’re a professional in the industry, who speaks technical jargon every day, it’s easy to forget how foreign of a language the terminology in our industry can sound to the average person.
Audiences are now more inclined to engage with dynamic content, on their phones, computers, and even in retail stores. Videos have become a dominant form of media due to their ability to combine visuals, audio, and narrative in a compelling way. This preference can be attributed to the immersive nature of video. Unlike static images or text, videos engage multiple senses simultaneously. The combination of moving visuals, sound, and narration makes it easier to hold viewers’ attention.
For auto service centers, using video can significantly impact how customers perceive and interact with your service offerings and recommendations. So, video works much better than other messaging. But how do you actually use it to your benefit?
Think of all the touchpoints or interactions your customers have with you and your business. Here are a few to consider:
Service desk/counter area
Video messages can display while customers are in line or having a conversation with you. Non-audio, passive messaging can reinforce your complete lineup of service offerings and subtly reinforce the benefits of having those services performed. Simply seeing videos of various service offerings, and their benefits, creates a more positive response in the minds of your customers. AutoNetTV’s digital menu board can be customized to fit your service area needs - https://autonettv.com/products/service-counter-engagement/
Customer lounge
Regular TV can be very engaging. But it can also be annoying or upsetting. Political news, disasters, and destruction can quickly change a previously positive feeling in your business to one of negativity, which affects customer satisfaction. Happy customers are more likely to have positive responses to your conversations. And even the shows that seem to be most appropriate can have advertising that you don’t agree with, or that is from your competitors. Set the tone appropriately in your waiting area with upbeat content that has something for everyone. Also, consider the benefits of service videos that periodically reinforce not only what services you offer, but why those services will help your customers save money in the long run, all while improving performance and safety. If you haven’t already, consider AutoNetTV’s waiting area program that combines all the above - https://autonettv.com/products/waiting-area-experience/.
This often-overlooked touchpoint is a great way to capture more attention and engagement from your visitors, in a setting that is built perfectly for videos. Search engines, particularly Google, favor video content in their algorithms. Videos tend to have higher engagement rates, and lead to increased time spent on a website. This gives you more opportunities and time to reinforce your messaging, the wide array of your service offerings, and your position as a trusted resource. It’s easy to add a video for every service discussed on your website. You can have one, or many on each page. Clicking videos for a clearer and more in-depth explanation is an easy and engaging activity that website visitors seek. AutoNetTV’s entire library of videos is available to you to insert into your website with a subscription to the Car Care Plugin product. You can learn more at https://autonettv.com/solutions/content-solutions-on-your-automotive-website/, or by calling our team at (801) 492-9900.
Multipoint Inspection digital report
Inspections are terrific at raising customer awareness of maintenance and repair needs. They highlight many aspects of the vehicle that are often overlooked and bring greater attention to the many benefits of preventive maintenance services. Consider upgrading your digital inspection reports by adding videos with each service recommendation or explanation. Showing and explaining the services by video increases customer understanding and retention of what was viewed. AutoNetTV can integrate its entire library of videos into your favorite digital inspection vendor software, all for a basic monthly subscription. They can be included in tablet apps, messages, and online platforms. If you want videos embedded in your digital inspection, we’d love to have a phone call with you and your preferred provider to discuss upgrading your inspection results.
Email service reminders
Adding thumbnail images with links to videos in emails has been proven to increase email click-through rate. AutoNetTV has even created animated images, that appear like very short videos, for use in adding to email messages. Consider upgrading the look of your emails, and the effectiveness of your landing page conversion rates, with video messaging.
Blogs are a great way to communicate helpful information to your customers and prospects. They’re great for search engine results and add credibility and authority to your website. Businesses that offer information and insights on their website gain positive responses from visitors who view them not only as more professional, but also as openly willing to help the customer achieve better outcomes. If you don’t already have a blog, consider adding one to your website. You can use AutoNetTV’s Car Care Web to get started. Or, you can add this service to your existing blog. The product inserts a new article, and an accompanying video, into your blog every week. You can learn more here - https://autonettv.com/products/website-and-social-media-awareness/.
Leveraging the power of video content can give your business a significant edge. Videos provide a dynamic and engaging way to showcase your expertise, build trust with customers, and improve your online visibility. Whatever the source of your video content, even recording some on your cell phone and sharing them online, we encourage you to start experiencing the benefits of greater customer engagement through video today.
For more information contact our customer success team at (801) 492-9900 or email us at info@autonettv.com.