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Jungle Guide – Social Media for the Unconvinced Part 2

  In Part 1, we talked about the why’s of social media.  In this piece we’ll talk about getting started with the basic tools of social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...
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Jungle Guide – Automotive Social Media for the Unconvinced Part 1

If you’re just thinking about heading into the social media jungle for your business, it can be pretty overwhelming; I’ve spent a couple of hours just trying to get my...
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Smoke Signals

  Let’s face it; a whole lot of your day revolves around the internet.  70% of shoppers research online before they hit the stores.  That figure is 78% for women. ...
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Marketing to Women

  Let's talk about marketing to women.  Now don’t roll your eyes –  there’s nothing to fear.  We won’t be discussing the mystery that is woman.  It’s very simple: the...
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Let Me Entertain You

  Sargent Joe Friday’s famous line, “Just the facts, ma’am.  Just the facts.” is just the way some people like it.  Give it to me straight and hold the fluff. ...
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