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I’ll Have a #3 and an Oil Change: The Case for Digital Menu Boards

  We have a lobby set in the studio.  Over the years, we’ve had a number of service menu boards on the wall.  Our first menu boards were those with...
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2012 Top 10 Automotive Repair Websites

  AutoNetTV™ congratulates the winners of the 2012 AutoInc. Top 10 Automotive Repair Websites contest.  Each year AutoInc. judges qualified automotive repair websites on 12 criteria.  Angie Kilbourne, AAM, reports...
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Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks

  I was at the mall the other day.  I wanted to take a load off and headed towards a cushy armchair.  As I approached I thought I could see...
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AutoNetTV Lobby TV Commercial

  We created this fun ad to air on the CNN Airport Network last month.  It highlights Lobby TV and Web Tools in 30 seconds.   AutoNetTV products increase CSI,...
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AutoNetTV Drive Belt Basics

  AutoNetTV’s Ross Hayner gives covers the basics of drive belts and diagnosis of common drive belt problems.
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